How to Boost Skin Collagen Naturally

It is also imperative that how to boost skin collagen naturally for people who want to have a young and healthy skin complexion glow. Collagen makes up forty percent of the proteins in the body; the protein acts as a supportive tissue making the skin stretchy. It is a fact that with age, the body naturally produces less collagen and this leads to formation of wrinkles and the skin looks loose and less firm. Still, there are several natural ways of provoking the higher production of the collagen, as well as of maintaining vital looks. This article will look at the most useful techniques on how to boost skin collagen naturally in the most natural way possible.

1. Nutrition and Diet

Collagen synthesis is not independent of what one eats, and it is as a result of the importance of diet that this product has been created. It is evident that consumption of vitamin, mineral and protein rich foods could go along way in promoting the creation of collagen.

Here are some important nutrients to include in diet:

-Vitamin C:

This vitamin is very important since it helps in the formation of collagen. In the process it aids in stabilizing the positions of collagen molecules and refrain from degrading. Some of the foods that contain vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, bell peppers and broccoli among others.

-Amino Acids:

Some of the common amino acids found in collagen include; glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Some amino acids crucial to building collagen include, these foods that are rich in glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline –these are chicken fish eggs and dairy products.


This mineral plays a role in the formation of the collagen fibres. The other foods that are rich in copper are shellfish, nuts and seeds as well as whole grain products.


It fends off free radicals that are capable of breaking down collagen and as you all know antioxidants are beneficial in boosting skin health. Berries, green tea, and dark chocolates are some of the examples of the antioxidant containing foods.

-Bone Broth:

Bone broth is a natural product that is full of collagen. It has gelatin which when ingested is processed into collagen. If bone broth is taken frequently, the skin becomes more elasticized and the skin is well hydrated. It is very important to boost skin collagen naturally.

2. Supplements

However, there are nutrients one has to take so as to increase their levels of collagen in the body, and these include the following. One of the most common dietary supplements is collagen that can be obtained from the animal bone and cartilage such as bovine or marine sources has been known to enhance skin elasticity and moisture. This compound is taken in different forms, powdery form, capsule form, and in form of a drink.

Other supplements that can support collagen production include:

-Vitamin C:

As we have already seen, this vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibres. If your diet is not very rich in vitamin C then it can help protect collagen formation in the body when taken as a supplement.

-Hyaluronic Acid:

It helps the skin regarding the moisture retention qualities and promotes collagen synthesis. It may be used orally, or as a topical application.

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3. Lifestyle Changes

There is evidence that points towards deleterious behavioural patterns in the degradation of collagen and the benefitting ones.

Here are some tips to optimize your lifestyle for better collagen health:

-Avoid Smoking:

Wrong, smoking slows down circulation and weakens collagen fibres which are essential in creation of skin thickness. It is possible to state that smoking has a negative impact on skin and due to quitting smoking, skin health and look younger.

-Limit Sun Exposure:

Another form of radiation is ultraviolet (UV) which has a negative effect on collagen and thus leads to early aging. The use of sun screen, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight and wearing hats and other protective clothing can help retain collagen.

-Stay Hydrated:

There is no doubt that water plays huge role in overall skin health. Staying hydrated can keep the skin stretchy and not dry and this results in the wrinkles becoming more apparent.

-Get Enough Sleep:

Collagen and skin repair and the quality of sleep also is important. Each night it is healthy to ensure that one gets between seven and nine quality hours of sleep for the skin benefits.

4. Topical Treatments

There are natural and organic treatments whereby, when you apply certain ingredients on your skin, your skin is able to produce new collagen.

Here are some effective topical treatments:


Topical retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that enhance the rate of cell division, as well as collagen synthesis. Some o the benefits is that they are useful in fading out fine lines and wrinkles.

-Vitamin C Serums:

It was also facilitated that the topical vitamin C can have abilities to guard the skin from free radicals and encourage the synthesis of collagen. It can also make the skin glow, and reduce the cases of skin discoloration.


Peptides are short chains of amino substances which have certain ability to penetrate the skin layers and trigger collagen producing activities. When looking for skincare products, choose those products which contain peptides; this will facilitate skin firming and tightening.

-Growth Factors:

Some of these proteins may promote cell growth and synthesis of the extracellular matrix component known as collagen. Overall, it can be seen that products having growth factors work well as an anti-aging cream because they do help to work wonders on facial skin and bring about an improvement in its texture.

5. Natural Remedies

There are several natural remedies that can support collagen production:

-Aloe Vera:

It has ingredients that help it promote collagen formation in the skin. When Aloe vera used externally in form of gel on the skin or internally in supplement form increase skin’s elasticity.


Ginseng has antioxidant benefits that can improve the skin and shield it from harm while at the same time promoting the growth of collagen. It can be taken within a cup of tea and similarly, can be rubbed over the skin.

-Green Tea:

Green tea is loaded with anti-oxidants that shield the collagen in your skin. Consuming green tea or using some cosmetic products which contain green tea as the primary ingredient may be helpful for the skin.

-Essential Oils:

There are oils that, for example, rosehip and frankincense that increase the rate of production of collagen in the skin. They can also be massaged to the skin after dilution with a carrier oil.

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Naturally increasing skin collagen means that it needs to be supplemented with nutrition, some particular vitamins and minerals, proper exercise, and skin care products. Incorporating of these strategies into practice would help to enhance the production of collagen, stretch the skin and acquire youthful natural looking face. Boost skin collagen naturally enhanced due to regular activities in daily routine.

Just some advice: 

This routine must be kept up for years, and you won’t see immediate results, Skin health is the reward for those who do not give up in months.

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